The most recent Economist/YouGov poll released Wednesday showed much of the same on the Democratic polling field. Per The Hill , Joe Biden is still the front-runner as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders trail behind, which means the top three spots are the same compared to the previous Economist/YouGov poll conducted July 14 to July 16.
But as pointed out on Twitter by Scott Santens, a universal basic income (UBI) advocate and supporter of presidential candidate Andrew Yang, both Yang and Bernie Sanders are the only two Democratic 2020 candidates that are gaining double-digit support from 2016 Trump voters.
Of people that say they intend to vote in their state’s primary or caucus, Sanders is the first choice for 13 percent of respondents, and Yang is the choice of 2 percent of respondents. But of the people polled, 14 percent who voted for Trump plan to vote Bernie and 10 percent want to vote for Yang.
Both Sanders and Yang run on platforms that would ostensibly help the middle class. Sanders wants to increase the minimum wage to $15 and guarantee every American a job, while Yang wants a UBI of $1,000 per month for every American over the age of 18. Yang has also expressed support for an increased minimum wage, and both candidates have supported Medicare for All.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, an Echelon Insights poll examined support for Yang’s UBI and revealed that the most support comes from Democrats, voters under 50, and earners under $50,000. In addition, Yang’s platform specifically addresses automation and its link to manufacturing job losses in states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, which Trump won in the 2016 election.
Something very interesting is in the latest Economist/YouGov poll. Only two Democratic candidates pulled two-digits worth of 2016 Trump voters: @SenSanders and @AndrewYang . 14% of people polled who voted for Trump want to vote for Bernie, and 10% want to vote for Yang. #YangGang
— Scott Santens (@scottsantens) July 24, 2019
As for Sanders, he has made it a goal of his campaign to focus on confronting Wall Street and fighting for the middle class. He also posted a press release on his senate website that called on Trump to end the abuse and exploitation of truck drivers after USA Today spoke to Los Angeles port truckers that revealed the exploitative labor practices they endure.
“The federal government should not be rewarding trucking companies that exploit and abuse their own workers,” Sanders wrote in a letter to Trump. “If you are serious about your support for our nation’s truck drivers, I would urge you to sign an executive order to deny government contracts and subcontracts for trucking companies that misclassify workers as independent contractors, force workers to lease the trucks they drive, and engage in other abusive labor practices.”
Although Yang appears to be gained support from former Trump voters, he isn’t planning to play the president’s game, per The Inquisitr . When speaking to Business Insider about the June debate, Yang’s press secretary and political director Randy Jones highlighted Yang’s lack of speaking time.
“A bunch of career politicians interrupting and launching personal attacks on each other really isn’t Andrew’s style, that’s Trump game,” Jones said. “If Democrats try to play Trump’s game, we’re going to lose.”